Have Your A/V Rental Specialist Visit Your Venue To Help You Place Your Equipment
ShareWhen you rent audio and video equipment for a corporate event, you don't have to just pick up the gear, drive to the event venue, and begin to figure out where everything should go. In addition to be able to set up your equipment for you, your local A/V rental service can also help you with the proper placement of these things. A specialist from the company can visit the venue with you in advance so that you can explain your vision for transforming the space — and then offer his or her professional thoughts on where the various A/V elements should go. Here are ways that this visit will help.
Flow Of People
You may have plans to rent certain equipment that will be popular for people at your event to check out. A video wall, for example, is always a hit. You may have an idea to place the video wall near the entrance of the room to catch peoples' attention as they enter. However, your A/V rental specialist might warn that this placement could disrupt the flow of people. If attendees are stopping just inside of the room's entrance, it can be difficult for others to come and go. The specialist will assess the space and offer some alternate suggestions for the video wall.
Sound Quality
The average person may struggle with the placement of speakers, and this can lead to places in the room where the volume is too loud for those in attendance. It can also result in spots that make it difficult for people to hear. Your A/V specialist will also talk to you about how to set up your rented sound system to optimize the sound quality for everyone in attendance. This can include tips such as angling the speakers in a specific way, based on the room, so that the sound quality is best.
Lighting Position
Having your corporate event professionally lit will also go a long way toward making the experience positive for those in attendance. Your corporate audio visual rental specialist will make some suggestions about the number of lights that you'll need and how many, as well as how to position them for maximum effect. The last thing that you want is to decide that the lights should be in a certain position — only to quickly learn when the event begins that they're bothering the eyes of your attendees because they're aimed too low. Your specialist will note all of his or her findings and share them with the delivery/setup team so that everyone is on the same page.